Looking back, reflecting on the last year and it’s a moment that just hits you. So much has happened, so much has changed, so much has evolved in such little time. 12 months in the moment can seem like an eternity. Yet 12 months in reflection feels like just yesterday. Intuition is knowing what is...
a minute with Nikki about recording. heavy on the heart.
a minute with Nikki describing what her favorite and least favorite parts of the recording process is. www.heavyontheheart.com Video Filmed and Edited by Costas Themistocleous
recording lead guitars. heavy on the heart. duffy 360 studio b.
costas themistocleous of heavy on the heart. recording lead guitars for a pre-chorus of a song called “toe to toe”. www.heavyontheheart.com www.duffy360studio.com
Duffy 360 Studio Studio B – Huntington, NY
https://www.duffy360studio.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Studio-B.mp4 Duffy 360 Studio Hicksville, NY Studio B Huntington, NY www.duffy360studio.com Video Filmed, Edited & Arranged by Costas Themistocleous